91 | Assignment of charge of ASGI, High Court of Andhra Pradesh to Shri B. Narsimha Sharma, ASGI High Court of Telangana : Notification dated 10.07.2024 |
92 | Order dated 10.07.2024 for the removal of names of two advocates from the Panels of High Court of Calcutta and CAT, Kolkata Bench |
93 | Modification Order dated 10.07.2024 with reference to Order dated 16.03.2024 for change of Court of Ms. Manjeet Kaur and Shri Prashant Chaturvedi from CAT, Jaipur Bench to High Court of Rajasthan, Jaipur Bench |
94 | Corrigendum dated 08.07.2024 Name correction of Sh. Rajan Kumar Sharma, ASGC vide Order dated 28.10.2020 |
95 | Necessary Instruction regarding Legal Advice/ opinion tendered by the Department of Legal Affairs. |
96 | Circulation of final seniority list of the officers in the Grade of Additional Legal Adviser in the Department of Legal Affairs as on 01.01.2024 - reg |
97 | Order dated 28.06.2024 regarding extension of term of Shri Rajat Gupta, Sr. Panel Counsel for AFT (RB) Srinagar (J&K) |
98 | Extension of term of Shri Rajat Gupta, Sr. PC for AFT (RB) Srinagar: Order dated 28.06.2024 |
99 | चल - अचल संपत्तियों से संबंधित लेनदेन के संबंध में सीसीएस (आचरण) नियमावली, 1964 के नियम 18 के तहत सूचना/अनुमति के संबंध में। |
100 | Intimation/Permission under Rule 18 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 in respect of transaction related to immovable and movable properties - reg. |
101 | Order dated 20.06.2024 for the extension of term of all the five CGCs in this Department's Order dated 08.06.2021 |
102 | Order dated 14.06.2024 regarding removal of names of eight Advocates from the panel of Sr. Arbitration Counsel |
103 | Circulation of final seniority list of Deputy Legal Adviser in Department of Legal Affairs as on 1.1.2024 |
104 | Order dated 11.06.2024 regarding removal of Shri Aazmeen Sheikh from the panel of CGC for the High Court of Uttarakhand |
105 | Order dated 30.05.2024 for the resignation of Ms. Sangna Kansagra w.e.f. 17.05.2024 |