121 | Modification in this Department's two Orders both dated 16.03.2024 regarding empanelment of Advocates for various courts in Rajasthan : Order dated 19.03.2024 |
122 | Order dated 16.03.2024 for the empanelment of advocates for various courts in Uttar Pradesh |
123 | Order dated 16.03.2024 for the empanelment of advocates for various courts in Punjab & Haryana |
124 | Order dated 16.03.2024 for the empanelment of advocates for the High Court of Rajasthan at Jodhpur and Jaipur along with Modification order dated 10.07.2024 |
125 | Order dated 16.03.2024 for the empanelment of advocates for various district & subordinate courts in Rajasthan |
126 | Order dated 16.03.2024 for the empanelment of advocates for various courts in Maharashtra |
127 | Order dated 16.03.2024 for the empanelment of advocates for various courts in Delhi |
128 | Resignation of Ms. Bansuri Swaraj from the Group 'A' Panel for Supreme Court vide order dated 15.03.2024 |
129 | Order dated 13.03.2024 for the empanelment of advocates for various courts in Delhi |
130 | Order dated 12.03.2024 for the engagement of advocates as Group 'A'/'B'/'C' Panel Counsels for the Supreme Court of India |
131 | Engagement of Shri Rajdeep Mazumder, Advocate as Dy. SGI for the High Court of Calcutta (PB) at Kolkata vide order dated 11.03.2024 |
132 | Orders dated 06.03.2024 regarding engagement of advocates for the empanelment for the District Courts at Jammu and Reasi |
133 | Order dated 06.03.2024 regarding empanelment of advocates for the High Court of Jammu and Kashmir, Jammu Wing and Kashmir Wing |
134 | Regarding empanelment/up-gradation of the advocates for the Supreme Court of India vide order dated 01.03.2024 |
135 | Order for the extension of term of Shri Balram Sharma, DSGI for High Court of Himachal Pradesh at Shimla dated 28.02.2024 |