106 | Order dated 28.05.2024 for the resignation of Shri Ashish S. Chavan w.e.f. 17.05.2024 |
107 | Order dated 21.05.2024 regarding resignation of Ms. Dipali Jape Ansingkar, CGC for High Court of Bombay, Aurngabad w.e.f. 10.05.2024 |
108 | Circulation of final seniority list of Court Clerk in General Central Service (GCS) Cadre in the Department of Legal Affairs. |
109 | Circulation of final seniority list of Assistant (Legal) in General Central Service (GCS) Cadre in the Department of Legal Affairs. |
110 | Circulation of final seniority list of Court Clerk Grade I in General Central Service (GCS) Cadre in the Department of Legal Affairs. |
111 | Circulation of final seniority list of Court Clerk Grade II in General Central Service (GCS) Cadre in the Department of Legal Affairs. |
112 | Order dated 09.05.2024 for the omission of the name of Shri Rishikesh Anant Gupta, Sr. Panel Counsel for CAT Sitting Bench, Nagpur |
113 | Modification in personal details of four panel counsels: Order dated 06.05.2024 |
114 | Circulation of draft seniority list of Superintendent (Legal) in the Department of Legal Affairs - reg |
115 | Modification/addition in personal details of five panel counsels: Order dated 24.04.2024 |
116 | Order dated 19.04.2024 regarding the resignation of Shri K. Ramakanth Reddy, Group 'A' Panel Counsel for the Supreme Court of India w.e.f. 15.04.2024 |
117 | Order dated 18.04.2024 regarding the resignation of Shri Ayush Agrawal, CGSC for High Court of Delhi w.e.f. 05.04.2024 |
118 | Acceptance of resignation of Shri Manu S., Dy. SGI, High Court of Kerala: Order dated 28.03.2024 |
119 | Assignment of additional charge of office of Dy. SGI, High Court of Kerala to Addl. SGI, High Court of Madras: Order dated 28.03.2024 |
120 | Order dated 27.03.2024 regarding the resignation of Shri Barun Kumar Sinha, Advocate from the panel of Sr. Arbitration Panel Counsels |